Lincoln PTO Back to School Information

6,5,4,3,2,1…. BACK TO SCHOOL!!!! The countdown is almost over – The 2014-2015 Lincoln School year begins on Monday! You have just a few more days to enjoy the lazy days of summer. Please join us for a Parent Meet and Greet after drop off…

Special Announcements & Wednesday Reminders

How can you make a difference in your child’s school community next year? The PTO is Recruiting Volunteers And…We Need YOU.   VICE PRESIDENT of FUNDRAISING:  This position oversees the success of all our Lincoln PTO fundraising events. VP assists fundraising event chairs and…

Used School Supplies–Donate or Bring Home?

Donate Used School Supplies  Since 2009, Lincoln Parents have generously donated their children’s used school supplies in June.  This year, Lincoln’s Green4Good Committee has made arrangements to donate the majority of the supplies to students in the Maywood/Melrose Park School District. Additionally, broken crayons…

6/4 PTO Newsletter – FREE Fun Lunch Friday

Fun Lunch for Friday 6/6:  Domino’s Pizza This Friday will be the last Fun Lunch of the school year, and it will be offered FREE to all 1st-4th graders. Lunch will include one slice of pizza, a side of carrots, and Oreo cookies. Hungry…

5/28 Lincoln PTO Newsletter

 Fun Lunch for THURSDAY 5/29:  Subs Our thanks to Alpine Food Shop, 7538 W. North Ave, Elmwood Park, and to our dedicated Fun Lunch volunteers. Field Day is this Friday! Don’t forget that Field Day is this Friday! Come picnic with your child at 11:25…