9/3 Lincoln PTO Newsletter

Pasta Fun Lunch this Friday

pasta200This Friday (9/5) Fun Lunch is Pasta from Puree’s in Oak Park.

A big thanks goes out to our fun lunch volunteers.


FLIP Deadline Is This Week

The Flip language program is a wonderful opportunity for your children to be exposed to a foreign language. Studies have shown repeatedly that foreign language learning increases critical thinking skills, creativity, and flexibility of mind in young children. Students who are learning a foreign language out-score their non-foreign language learning peers in the verbal and, surprisingly to some, the math sections of standardized tests. The FLIP classes begin at Lincoln next week. Deadline to sign up on the PTO Webstoreis this Friday.

PTO Meeting Next Monday

Please join us for this year’s first PTO meeting on Monday 9/8 at 8:45am at Lincoln School. All are welcome.

Movie Night Is Next Week

Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 10.38.59 AMPlease save the date for movie night on Friday, September 12. We will be showing Rio 2 out on the Lincoln lawn. Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at the door and are available at the PTO Webstore. Refreshments will be served.

PTO Webstore is Now Open!

The full PTO Webstore is now open and ready for your sign ups, from FLIP to all grade-level activities. Come register your child!

Interested in Girl Scouts?

girl scoutsGirl Scouts is a great way for your daughter to make new friends and learn leadership skills! It’s not just cookies, crafts, and camping—it’s also about courage, confidence, and character. Our contemporary curriculum supports STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), the arts, ecological awareness, social action and more. Troops meet by grade at Lincoln but we do occasional school-wide activities too. Registration starts now for the 2014-15 school year. Please contact your grade-level leaders for more information!

4th Grade Juniors: Meets the FIRST Monday of the month in room 11 at Lincoln from 6 pm – 7:15. Except in September we will be meeting on September 8 due to the Labor Day holiday. Contact Irene Wolinski (“irenewolinski AT yahoo.com”) or Suzi Schrader (“suzischrader AT yahoo.com”).

3rd Grade Brownies: Meet in the evening once a month on the 3rd Mondays. Contact Katie Moroney (“moroneykatie AT yahoo.com”) or Lurana Brown (“luranajbrown AT yahoo.com”).

2nd Grade Brownies: Meet one Thursday a month after school. Contact Vanessa Druckman for more information (vanessadruckman AT gmail.com).

1st Grade Daisies: Meet once a month right after school on Thursdays. Contact Lurana Brown (“luranajbrown AT yahoo.com”).

Kindergarten Daisies: Your daughter’s troop starts with you! You only need 5 girls and 2 adults to form a new troop. The troop stays together as they move up in school. As soon as we have enough interest, we can hold an informational meeting for kindergarteners. Training and resources are available—contact Lurana for information and support (“luranajbrown AT yahoo.com”).

We Have the Right Volunteer Opportunity for You!

446px-Uncle_Sam_(pointing_finger)Whether you work full time or from home, we have volunteer opportunities to fit your life and schedule. Come take a look on our Sign Up Genius volunteer page to see how you can best contribute your time to your child’s school. We need room parents, fun lunch volunteers, book fair helpers, pancake flippers, and even silent auction sales experts. Volunteer for a one day commitment, or regularly throughout the year. You can work from home, in the classroom, or in the evening. Take a look – we’d love your help.

Interested in joining Cub Scouts Pack 67 in River Forest…..

Please join us for an informational meeting next Monday, September 8th at 7:00 pm in the Lincoln School Auditorium. Scout leaders will be present to let you know what the Cub Scouts in River Forest is all about! There will also be activities for the kids to participate in. Any questions please contact Brian Hardy at bhardy70@hotmail.com or Gina Hardy at gfrioli@hotmail.com. Look forward to seeing you there!

Wanted: D90 Caucus Delegates

We are seeking a diverse group of River Forest residents who are willing to recruit and interview candidates for the D90 school board election in March 2015. Delegates must be residents of River Forest and be able to attend all scheduled meetings during October and November 2014. These dates are as follows: Tuesday, October 14 Tuesday, October 28 Tuesday, November 11 Tuesday, November 18 We welcome your participation in this established community process. Please contact us with your interest. 2014 Caucus Co-Chairs: Judy Deogracias 773-793-3449 judy.deogracias AT mac.com Laura Maychruk 708-205-7044 laura.maychruk AT comcast.net

Do you want to announce your school-related event?

Please submit requests to “lincolnPTOcommunications AT gmail.com” by midnight on Monday for the weekly newsletter.