Lincoln Families,
Welcome back to school! I hope you and your kids had a rejuvenating Spring Break! I hope the memories you’ve created during the time away will live on as you begin to fall back into routines. I know the Godfrey Caribbean adventure is something we will be smiling about for quite some time.
This week students in 3rd and 4th grade will begin our annual state PARCC assessment. Below is a copy of the testing schedule we will follow:
Monday, 4/2:
Tuesday, 4/3:
Wednesday, 4/4:
Thursday, 4/5:
Friday, 4/6:
Yearbooks are now available to order on the PTO Web Store. $30 gets you a hardcover book and a souvenir pen. Books are distributed during the Ice Cream Social on June 1st.
Save your confirmation email from the PTO Web Store so you can quickly confirm your order when “end of the school year” panic sets in!
C4K is hosting a bonus recess for the third and fourth graders during PARCC testing. We are reaching out in the hopes of filling the volunteer time slots, supporting play, and providing fresh air for students during testing.
You do not need to have a child in third or fourth grade to volunteer. Please come rain or shine. Arrive a few minutes early to sign in at the office and meet on the black top on the Franklin side. If it is raining the school secretary will share the alternate plan. Sign up here to volunteer.
The mission of the PTO is to support and enhance the education of the children at Lincoln School. But without input, ideas and support from the families at Lincoln, fulfilling this mission is not possible. As we begin to plan for the 2018-19 school year, we invite parents to join us from 7:00-9:00 pm on Thursday, April 12 to share ideas and show support for activities and events organized by the PTO.
There is a lot you can do for the PTO and for Lincoln School whether you are a working parent or a stay at home parent. Volunteer opportunities are available for events taking place at school during the week or on weekends. And opportunities are available for you to work from the comfort of your own home while younger children nap.
Spread the word and bring a friend! We hope to see you on April 12th (at Old School in Forest Park)! Thank you for your continued support of the Lincoln PTO!
Please click here to view the list of positions available for the 2018-19 school year.
Lincoln Elementary School is delighted to welcome author Michelle Schaub on Tuesday, April 24th. Ms. Schaub will talk with students about her career as an author and her book Fresh-Picked Poetry: A Day at the Farmers’ Market.
To guarantee a personalized copy of her book, please return this order form with payment (cash or check payable to Lincoln PTO) by this Friday, April 6th. If you miss that date, there will be a limited supply of signed books available for purchase through May 7th.
Are you interested in a fun family project? Perhaps the Global Student Voice Film Festival is the answer!!!
Students can submit a film with a parent sponsor, due April 5th. Film Festival website link
Here is a video explaining the rules.
Contact Mrs. Clasky if you would like more information (
NOTE – PARENT VOLUNTEER NEEDED: We are in need of a parent volunteer to combine the 4th grade student photos into a commemorative video set to music. This is a strictly from home, on the computer, project. It is a fun, heartwarming, laugh-inducing, and rewarding opportunity! Contact Suzanne D’Agostino ( or Amy Prestes ( for more information or to volunteer.
Join in 4th Grade Field Day Activities
Would your son or daughter like to participate in one of Lincoln School’s Field Day traditions? Our kids have excitedly been watching the “big kids” (aka – 4th graders) over the years entertain and kick off Field Day with Drumming and the Maypole Dance. Now it’s their turn to participate! Field Day is currently scheduled for the last day of school, Friday, June 8. Your 4th grader can choose to participate in the Maypole Dance and/or Drumming – signups are coming soon. We are in need of parent volunteers to help guide and instruct the students in the drumming activity. Please email Suzanne D’Agostino ( or Amy Prestes ( if you are interested in leading the 4th graders in this Lincoln Tradition.
Please Don’t Forget to Pay 4th Grade Activities Fee
Please click here to pay your $25 4th Grade Activity Fee.This money goes toward the t-shirt that your 4th grader will wear during Field Day and the cost of the 4th grade breakfast celebration on the last day of school. If you are unsure if you have already paid, please click here and log in to review your order history on the PTO webstore.
Any questions? Contact Suzanne D’Agostino ( or Amy Prestes (
Commemorative Video for 4th Graders: Pictures Needed
A video will be shown at the 4th grade breakfast on the morning of June 8. The video will contain pictures of the 4th graders through their years at Lincoln School. So grab a box of tissues and scroll through your old photos. Please begin to gather a variety of photos of your child commemorating all of their years at Lincoln, grades K through 4. We suggest photos from school events, school concerts, class parties, field trips, PTO events, back to school pictures, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, other clubs, youth sports teams, pictures with good Lincoln buddies, etc. We will set up a method for collecting those photos in the coming weeks.
Please remember during cold and flu season to keep your child home if they are sick. If they have a fever they need to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before they can return to school. If they are vomiting and/or have diarrhea, make sure it has been at least 24 hours since the last episode before returning to school. If your child has an excessively runny nose or cannot stop coughing, it may be a good idea to keep them home. This is to protect your child from catching something if their immune system is down, as well as to protect the other students and staff. Thank you for doing your part to keep everyone at Lincoln School healthy.
When reporting your child’s absence please be sure to either use the district attendance e-mail or telephone extension:
1) Lincoln School Attendance Line: 708.366.7340
2) Email 24-7 to