1/3 Lincoln Log – Winter Sports & Fun Lunch Registration

Lincoln Families, Happy 2016! 

I hope you and your family enjoyed the Winter Break and the time with friends and family. Whether you stayed local or traveled afar, I hope your Winter Break was full of fun, relaxation and happy new memories. I enjoyed some quality time with my family in St. Louis and with some friends in the North East.  As you might know, the holiday in St. Louis was unusually rainy, causing some flooding and minor damage to  homes of family members. Therefore, some of the break was spent wading in the basement waters and cleaning up after the flooding. Thanks to those of you who reached out to check in on my family in St. Louis. All is dry now and 2016 is off to a great start for the Godfrey’s! 

On a personal note, thank you so much for all the holiday gifts, treats and messages. More personalized “Thank You’s” are forthcoming, but for now, please know how humbled I am by your kindness. 

Beginning this week, be on the look out for our newly trained and operating Lincoln School “Eagle Eyes!” Be sure to look for these 4th grade students after school at both the Park and Franklin entrances. Please give these volunteer students some kind words of thanks and encouragement when you see them. 

I am so excited to see your kids back at school tomorrow and look forward to hearing all about their Winter Break adventures. As always, thanks so much for your continued support of our school. Please never hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to help you or your family. Lets make 2016 the best year ever at Lincoln School!  

Happy New Year, 




Monday, 1/4:

  • Deadline to Register for Chess Club
  • Winter/Spring Fun Lunch Registration Begins
  • NO Heartworks meetings (moved to 1/11)

Tuesday, 1/5:

  • PTO Meeting at 8:45am.  All are welcome.
  • Tuesday Sports Camp starts 3:15-4:15 pm

Wednesday, 1/6:  Chess Club starts 3:15-4:15 pm

Thursday, 1/7: Thursday Sports Camp starts 3:15-4:15 pm

Friday, 1/8:  Fun Lunch is Pizza.  Thanks, OP Domino’s!



Sunday, 1/10:  Web Store Registration opens at 5pm for:

  • Yoga
  • Tennis
  • Coding Club

Monday, 1/11:  Heartworks Club meetings at Lunch and After School

Chess Club Registration Ends 1/4chess

Chess and Backgammon Club will be meeting for 7 consecutive Wednesdays starting on January 6th.  The final day will be a tournament and pizza party on Wednesday, February 17th.

All grades and levels are welcome, as are volunteers!

Register on the PTO Web Store now.

  • Fee is $15
  • Wednesdays 3:15 to 4:15 pm (Jan. 6th through Feb. 17th)
  • limited to 25 students–only 10 spots left–register NOW!

Questions?  Please contact Nikki Elza at “njselza AT comcast.net”


Reminder:  Sports Camp Starts This Week

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:15 to 4:15 in the Lincoln Gym.  Students need gym shoes and comfortable clothes.

Pick Up at the Franklin Doors at 4:15 pm.

Registration for both Camps is closed due to full enrollment.


Winter/Spring Fun Lunch Registration

If your child is receiving Fall Fun Lunch, these lunches continue until Friday, January 15th, 2016.

The Web Store will be open January 4th – January 15th, 2016 for Winter/Spring Fun Lunch Registration.  Winter/Spring Fun Lunches begin on Friday, January 22nd.

Many families choose to sign up for a full year’s worth of fun lunches in the Fall. Not sure if you signed up for half year, or full year?  Check your order history on the web store:

  • My Account
  • Log In
  • Order History
  • click on the 2015 dates to see what was ordered  (Look for the words “Full Y” and a single menu cost of $38-$40 in the description)

If you miss the January 15th registration deadline, you will be able to order until Friday, January 22nd, but there is a $15.00 LATE FEE PER CHILD. Whether this child receives 1 or all 4 fun lunches, there will be a $15 fee added. There is no registration for lunches after January 22nd, 2016.


Connect4Kids Winter Core Power Yoga

Calling All Yogis, Adrienne Smith and Laurie Solberg of Core Power Yoga will be teaching children’s yoga class for 1st – 4th grade students on Mondays in the Auditorium. The classes start Monday, January 25 and run for 6 weeks skipping President’s Day week and Pulaski Day week.

The program will provide children with an opportunity to foster greater self-awareness and improve their concentration and self-confidence.  The team will introduce the children to the fundamentals of yoga and incorporate social-emotional themes.

Register on the PTO Website starting next Sunday,  January 10, at 5 p.m.  The cost is $70 for 6 classes.  Classes fill quickly and it is first come, first served.  This notice and a link to the web store will be in next week’s Lincoln Log.

Connect4Kids Play For Lot Tennis

Tennis will be taught by Mirka and Luka Bagos, professional coaches of Play For Lot, in the Lincoln Gym.  The 6-week program welcomes children of all skill levels, but classes are separated by grades:

Mondays are for grades 1 and 2.  First class is on Monday, 1/25; last class is on Monday, 3/14  (no class on Presidents’ Day & Pulaski Day).

Wednesdays are for grades 3 and 4.  First class is Wednesday, 1/27; the last class is Wednesday, 3/16 (no class the week of Presidents’ Day & Pulaski Day).

There will be a Connect4Kids/Play For Lot Kick-Off Meet & Greet in the School Gym on January 13, from 3:15-4:15.  All students and parents are welcome to stop in the gym to meet the staff and try tennis.  To find out more visit:  http://www.playforlot.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/playforlot/

Register on the PTO Website starting next Sunday,  January 10, at 5 p.m.  The cost is $70 for 6 classes.  Classes fill quickly and it is first come, first served.  This notice and a link to the web store will be in next week’s Lincoln Log.

Connect4Kids Book Talk

In the winter months we think it may be time to curl up with a good book.  Order yourself a copy of:

Teach Your Children Well: Why Values and Coping Skills Matter More Than Grades, Trophies, or “Fat Envelopes” by Madeline Levine, Ph.D.

We invite Lincoln and Willard parents to our first Connect4Kids Parent Book Club on February 11th, 2016, 7pm @ Lincoln School.

This talk will be moderated by Dr. Cara Lanza Hurley.  Dr. Hurley is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with nearly a decade of specialized training and expertise.  She will lead an intimate discussion encouraging us to reflect on insights from the book and process the art of parenting with peers.  We are delighted she will be facilitating our post book discussion as she comes to us with positive reviews after several parent book talks in Hinsdale.

Please RSVP here by February 8th.

Extra copies of this book will be available in the Lincoln and Willard offices if you want to stop by and check them out.

Coding Club starting on January 25th

Mrs. Clasky will once again be hosting a Coding Club on Mondays after school. This is a repeat session of the fall club (repeat exercises not intended for past club members), and is limited to 18 Third and Fourth Grade students.

Meetings are on Mondays, 3:15 to 4:15 pm in the Lincoln School Library

Meetings are held on school days, January 25th through May 2nd.

Register on the PTO Website starting next Sunday,  January 10, at 5 p.m.  There is no cost for this club. Classes fill quickly and it is first come, first served.  This notice and a link to the web store will be in next week’s Lincoln Log.


A Reminder from our School Nurse

As cold weather begins, so does our cold and flu season. Please help keep all of us at Lincoln healthy by following our best practices. Please remember that children with a fever of 100.5 or greater need to stay home for at least 24 hours and until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. Also remember, if your child is vomiting or has diarrhea, that they need to remain home from school until they are free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you in advance for doing your part.

Save the Date: Lincoln Auction on 3/11/16

PTO AUCTION FUNDRAISER – Friday, March 11, 2016

Please join us for an evening to support our PTO.
Food, Drinks, Friends, and Competition – bid on prizes for sports tickets, getaways and more!

A volunteer meeting will be held on Thursday, January 21st at 8 pm.
Please click here to sign up if interested.


Do you have some precious photos of Lincoln students at school events?

Share some of your best school photos with the Lincoln Yearbook!  We’d love to see your PTO event, playground or classroom photos.  Please email them to Ann Mills at “anncieslica AT msn.com” or Cheri Gearhart at “cheri AT gearhart.com”.

Please note, we can only use high resolution photos, so please select a large file size and know that only 3-5 photos will fit on a single email.  We don’t mind receiving multiple emails!  Or you can always share via google drive or drop box.  Thank you!


Young Filmmakers Contest

One Earth Film Contest

The contest is open to Grades 3 through College, with recognition in each category: elementary, middle school, high school and college. Submission deadline is 5 pm, Sunday, January 17, 2016.

Create a 3-8 minute film or a shorter animation on a specific topic related to climate change or sustainability.  See the attachment One Earth Film Contest  for details or click here for the One Earth Website.