September is for Spirit Wear & Scouting (this week!)

SPIRIT WEAR: “We’ve got LincolSpiriWeayes we do, we’ve got LincolSpiriWear, —do you?”

Screen shot 2013-09-05 at 4.24.00 PMPrepare for the weather change with our cozy vintage sweatshirts or toasty winter hats. Want to keep it simple? Check out some of our funster knee socks or colored shoe laces. Join classmates in letting your Lincoln Eagle Flag fly high on Fridays by sporting your school colors!

Please order your back-to-school spirit wear by September 22nd at the PTO Web Store. Purchases will be distributed by early October.

SCOUTS: Back-to-school means back-to-troop too!
Lincoln is lucky to have school-based Scouting groups who are welcoming new members.

NEW! Tuesday, 9/10: Intro meeting for 3rd-grade girls
Girl Scouts Brownie Troop #40083 for third-graders welcomes previous and new members to an informational and registration meeting. Join us in Room 27/Dumont from 6:00-7:00pm to learn more about our plans for the 2013-2014 year! See flyer for details.

Monday, 9/9: Intro meeting for 2nd-grade girls
Girl Scouts Brownie Troop #40744 for second-graders is holding an informational and registration meeting in Room 5/Mayer from 6:30-7:30pm. See flyer for details.

A new Girl Scouts Daisy Troop for 1st-grade girls is also starting soon! Contact Vanessa Druckman (vanessadruckman AT if you are interested.

Monday 9/9: Intro meeting for 1st-through-5th-grade boys
Calling all Cub Scouts! 
Pack 67 of southern River Forest will hold an informational meeting on Monday in the Lincoln School Auditorium from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. See flyer for details.