9/27 Lincoln Log

Lincoln Families,

I hope you had a great weekend. The weather couldn’t be more perfect! We have reached that time of year in Chicago when we must embrace these days. I spent my weekend in St. Louis celebrating my parents’ anniversary, visiting family, and watching some Cardinal baseball!

Although last week was a shorter week for students, our staff engaged in some quality professional development on Wednesday’s Institute Day. The day consisted of training on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as well as writing. Their engagement in such high quality learning will enhance the science and writing experiences of our students.

Tuesday, September 29 at 2:15, we will hold a special surprise assembly for our students. To help celebrate this assembly, please encourage your child to wear Lincoln spirit wear or school colors.

Thanks to everyone who assisted in making our Movie Night such a success. It was great to enjoy the beautiful evening with so many of you!

Finally, Wednesday, September 30 will be Melinda’s final day as the secretary at Lincoln. Please be sure to swing by to thank her for dedicating so much of herself to our school community. While you’re here, be sure to welcome our new administrative assistant, Mrs. Maribeth Kopriva.

Thanks so much for your continued support of our school. Please never hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to help you or your kids.

Have a great week.




Tuesday, 9/29:

  • Special Assembly at 2:15 PM
  • Lincoln Spirit Wear Day
  • 2nd grade field trip to Naper Settlement

Thursday, 10/1:

  • Theater Club meets after school in the auditorium

Friday, 10/2:

  • FUN LUNCH – Pasta from Puree’s in Oak Park


Monday, 10/5:

  • Evening Lincoln PTO Meeting: 7:00 PM in the new multi-purpose room

Tuesday, 10/6:

  • Picture Day
  • Art Parent orientation meeting: 7:00 PM at 559 Franklin, River Forest

Wednesday, 10/7:

  • International Walk to School Day

Week of 10/5-10/9:

  • “Look at Your Lunch” week

Show Your Lincoln Spirit Day: Tuesday 9/29

Lincoln Spirit Wear


Students are encouraged to wear spirit wear and/or school colors (red and white) to school on Tuesday 9/29 to show their Lincoln school spirit!


Mrs. Cribaro’s Last Day: Wednesday 9/30

Thank you for the myriad kindnesses you have shown to the Lincoln students and families through the years.  We will all miss Mrs. Cribaro’s warm, welcoming smile in the Lincoln office!  Please join us in wishing her well.


Movie Night – A Big Thanks!

A big thank you to the movie night chairs and volunteers for making movie night possible.  And thanks to everyone who came out to support Lincoln and enjoy a beautiful evening on the lawn!


3rd/4th Grade Theater Club

3rd/4th grade Theater Club begins Thursday 10/1 after school in the auditorium.  Contact Kristin Collins “kristincollins9 AT yahoo.com” for more information.


Picture Day: Tuesday 10/6

Picture Day is Tuesday 10/6!   This year, picture packages must be PRE-PAID; please return the order forms and payment to your child’s teacher or order on-line on the vendor’s website (School Code 20077101) prior to picture day.  Remember that most classes will take a group photo in addition to individual student photos.


District 90 Online Student Directory

District 90 is in the process of updating the electronic version of the student directory for the 2015-2016 school year. The electronic directory will allow families to easily access D90 directory information from their cell phones, tablets, and computers in a secure format through a simple password system.

The district is asking that families verify/edit their own directory listings.  You can add an email address and/or cell phone number to the directory if you wish.  Please see the D90 website for more information.  Note that you may need to reset your password in order to access the directory.

Also, please note that this online directory is replacing the hard copy directory.

Lincoln Girl Scouts


The 3 C’s of Girls Scouts is not just Cookies, Crafts, and Camping…it’s also Courage, Confidence and Character! Join the premier leadership-development organization for girls–our Lincoln Girl Scouts troops will be kicking off in October. Please contact the leaders for your grade level to register now. Troops plan outings, work on service projects, and develop new skills together.

  • 4th Grade Juniors – Katie Moroney (moroneykatie AT yahoo.com) & Lurana Brown (luranajbrown AT yahoo.com)
  • 3rd Grade Brownies – Jean Bacom (lunamama6 AT gmail.com) and Peggy Olson (pgolson123 AT yahoo.com)
  • 2nd Grade Brownies – Lurana Brown (luranajbrown AT yahoo.com) & Stacia Esparza (stacia.esparza AT gmail.com)
  • 1st Grade Daisies – Sarah Donoho (sarah AT donoho.net) & Katie Avalos (katie_avalos AT hotmail.com)
  • Kindergarten Daisies – Gina Hardy (gfrioli AT hotmail.com) & Nikki Elza (njselza AT comcast.net).  Kindergarten Daisies are just starting up….stay tuned for a parent interest meeting soon.

Halloween Costume Swap

Halloween SWAP BEFORE YOU SHOP…please pass the word!

Before you buy new this year, find your kids’ perfect costume from the closets of your friends and neighbors.

FIRST:  Drop off your clean, exchange-worthy costume. Get a Swap Ticket for a new-to-you costume.

  • WHEN:  September 24 through September 29
  • WHERE:  130 Keystone OR 530 Franklin, River Forest

Place costumes in bin by front door & take one ticket per costume.

NEXT:  Bring your Ticket to the Costume Swap

  • Thursday, October 1 from 3:00-4:30 at Willard Elementary School
  • Friday, October 2 from 3:00-4:30 at Willard Elementary School
  • Saturday, October 3 from 9:00-11:30 at River Forest Library

Feel free to Drop but not Swap.   All leftover costumes will be donated to a local charity after the swapping is done.  Our thanks to Green4Good for organizing this event!  Halloween Costume Swap Flyer 2015

“Look at Your Lunch”  Week: October 5th-8th

In an effort to shed some light on the mystery of how much our kids are and are not eating during lunch, Lincoln students will bring home all uneaten food, recyclables and trash in their lunch boxes from October 5th through October 8th. You will be amazed at how much food gets thrown out each day! “Look at Your Lunch” will help each family pack a “just-right” size lunch in the future, and hopefully give us all a better appreciation for the amount of trash created in each lunch.

For future lunches, we can all try to:

  • pack only what our children can eat during their lunch period
  • buy in bulk and use re-usable containers
  • cut back on convenience and individual packaging that creates a lot of unnecessary waste


International Walk to School Day: Wednesday 10/7

Join others around the world in a day dedicated to walking to school. Coordinate walking with friends and neighbors to share the fun. Here are just a few of the benefits of walking to school:

  • Increase physical activity for families- improving health & wellness
  • Allow children to physically ramp up if that’s needed and/or burn off a bit of energy if that’s needed during their walk
  • Create an opportunity for peer social connection during the walk and allow for a little social fun before and after school
  • Open the doors for creative inspiration and expression based on what is observed and noticed during the walk
  • Allow families time to talk together as they walk
  • Build community & school spirit as neighbors walk together
  • Improve our environment and traffic flow with fewer cars


Art Parent Volunteers Needed!

We still need a few more art parent volunteers in order to have 2 volunteers per class. The Lincoln art program is a great opportunity to be in the classroom 2-3 times per year and do a 1-hour project with the kids. No art background necessary! The art program materials have all you need for the presentation and project.  The Art Parent orientation will be held on October 6 at 7pm at 559 Franklin. 

Art parents are needed for the following classrooms:

  • Cheney
  • Bajo
  • Tangalo
  • Anderson
  • Mayer
  • Neilson
  • Donnelly
  • Stasys

Join the Lincoln art program! Please respond on Sign Up Genius or email Jean Detmer at “lunamama6 AT gmail.com”.

Support our PTO with your pre-order of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School


It’s the book that so many kids have been waiting for!  We are accepting orders for the latest book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

Just $13.95 for a hardcover copy, no tax!  Order on the Web Store now.

The book release date is Tuesday, November 3rd.  Anderson Books will deliver all pre-orders on that date and books can be picked up in the LLC (the Lincoln School Library).

All proceeds benefit Lincoln’s PTO and the LLC.

Questions? Email Suzanne D’Agostino “suzanne.dagostino AT gmail.com”

The deadline for pre-orders is FRIDAY, Oct. 30th at 2pm.

Looking Ahead…

Monday, 10/12:

  • No School–Columbus Day

Thursday, 10/15:

  • Family Math Night 6:30pm

Week of 10/19-10/23:

  • Fall Food Drive