9/23 Lincoln Log

Lincoln Families,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

On Tuesday, September 18, Lincoln celebrated our second annual International DOT Day, inspired by the book “The DOT” by Peter H. Reynolds. The DOT reminds us that everyone can leave their own unique mark on the world by expressing their individuality and creativity. To celebrate, everyone was encouraged to wear dots, classes participated in various activities and in art class each student designed their own unique dot that was then turned into artwork that you can see outside of the office!  Below is a picture of our staff wearing their dots in front of the student dot artwork.

This week looks to be a busy one at our Fine Fine School.

For the past several years, D90 has partnered with The Teachers College of New York to support our teachers ongoing professional development in the areas of reading and writing. This week Lincoln School will host all the K-2 teachers at both Lincoln and Willard schools as we begin our third year of partnership with the Teachers College. During these sessions, our Teachers College consultants use our classrooms as lab sites to model lessons and strategies for our teachers. We are grateful for this incredible partnership and look forward to another great week of professional learning.

Also, this week brings our Fall NWEA MAP assessment. This assessment is for 2nd-4th graders and is administered in the areas of Literacy and Math. Below is the schedule.

Finally, don’t forget Friday, September 28 is an 11:25 release for students. During the afternoon Teacher Institute Day, our staff will participate in our continued professional learning surrounding best practices in creating equitable learning environments.

Enjoy this final week of September! Please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can ever do to better support your kids and your family. Thanks for your support of our Fine Fine School. CG


Monday, September 24:

  • 4th grade MAP – math
  • HEROBoys – 3:10-4:15pm, gym
  • Yoga – 3:15-4:15, room 22D

Tuesday, September 25:

  • 4th grade MAP – reading

Wednesday, September 26:

  • 3rd grade MAP – math
  • Waste Free Wednesday

Thursday, September 27:

  • 3rd grade MAP – reading
  • Wonder Readers – 7:30am, multipurpose room
  • Fun Lunch – Pizza

Friday, September 28:

  • Wonder Writers  – 7:30am, multipurpose room
  • EARLY DISMISSAL – 11:30am (AM kindergarten attends)


Guest social worker

Congratulations to Mrs. Payton and her family on the arrival of their healthy new baby boy Felix!  Felix was born on Thursday, September 20. During her absence we are excited to welcome Ms. Bridget Gilmartin, who will be covering all social work services during Sharon’s absence. Attached is a letter from Ms. Payton.  Should you need to be in contact with Ms. Gilmartin, she can be reached at gilmartinb@district90.org or by calling the school at 708.366.7340. We look forward to having Bridget as part of our Fine Fine School through early January.

Lincoln spirit wear available through 9/30!

This is the last week to order your spirit wear. Show your Lincoln spirit with t-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts and more while raising funds for our school. The Lincoln PTO receives a percentage of the sale proceeds.

Please turn in your flyers to the office by SEPTEMBER 30th or order online here. All orders ship to Lincoln and will be given to your child to bring home.

Please direct any questions to Jennifer Nelson (jennifernelson77@gmail.com). Thank you for your support!



Fall Tennis – registration opens 9/30

Registration for fall tennis will open next Sunday, 9/30 at 5pm. Tennis will be taught by Mirka and Luka Bagos, professional coaches of Play For Lot, outside on the Franklin-side playground (weather permitting).  If it’s raining, tennis will meet in the gym.

The program welcomes children of all skill levels. Children need to wear gym shoes and comfortable clothes.  No racket needed.


  • 1/2 grades: 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/15, 11/29
  • 3/4 grades: 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13

Cost:  $80 for 6 weeks.

Contact Nikki Elza, njselza@comcast.net, with any questions.

Waste Free Wednesdays start THIS WEEK!

Last year, District 90 adopted a new Core Value to the Strategic Plan:

“We believe in ensuring a sustainable future for and with our students.  We will model sustainable practices for our students and community, and we will provide opportunities to learn about and engage in sustainable practices.”

In this spirit….WASTE FREE WEDNESDAYS are starting THIS WEEK!

Pack a waste free lunch on all Wednesdays, starting THIS WEDNESDAY!  This gives parents at home, members of the Green4Good committee, as well as lunch room leaders (4th grade) and lunch room supervisors, the opportunity to teach ALL Lincoln students how to incorporate sustainability practices into their own lives by reducing the amount of waste we send to landfills at lunchtime.  Each student with a waste free lunch will receive a special Green4Good hand stamp.

waste free lunch CAN include:

  • REUSABLE items: Tupperware-like containers and Bento boxes, Thermos, Washable utensils, Washable Cloth sandwich / snack bags
  • RECYCLABLE items: Hard plastics #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (NOT #6) ALL WITHOUT any soft plastic or aluminum-type lid attached, Aluminum Foil
  • COMPOSTABLE items: Paper napkins, Wax paper wraps, Brown paper bags

waste free lunch CANNOT include any packaging that must go to the LANDFILL. Some examples are: Chip bags, Granola bar wrappers, Apple sauce squeeze containers, Fruit/pudding/yogurt cups with the soft plastic or aluminum-type lid attached, String cheese wrapped in plastic, Yogurt sticks, Ziploc bags, Saran Wrap

We hope to have great participation all year in WASTE FREE WEDNESDAYS!!

Lincoln’s Green4Good Committee always welcomes new members!  If you’re interested in supporting the sustainability programs at our school or just want more information, please go the the PTO Volunteer Sign Up Genius or reach out to Alexis Murphy (Alexis_murphy@hotmail.com) or Renee Sichlau (rsichlau@hotmail.com).

Reminder – Picture Day is 10/2

Be sure to mark your calendar for Lincoln Picture Day – Tuesday, October 2. Order forms came home with your student last week.  Pictures can also be ordered online at www.ordervgil.com (school code 20077101).


Room family meeting

Those who volunteered as room families should plan to attend one of the informational meetings this week: Monday, September 24 at 9 AM in the art room or Wednesday, September 26 at 7 PM in the multi-purpose room. We look forward to seeing you there!  Questions – contact Katie Bevan at kabevan@gmail.com.

The Library Lowdown

Volunteers Needed – Do you love books? Do you love to organize? If yes, please consider becoming a Lincoln Library volunteer. Over 25,000 books were checked out last year. Of course, what goes out, must come back! Volunteers are extremely vital to the library. They help to get the books back on the shelves quickly so they can be checked out by new students, as well as leave the library staff with valuable time to create great programs.

The timing is flexible – either at beginning of the day (walk your kids to school and stay for a bit) or at the end of the day (come early and get a good parking spot). Most volunteers come in weekly – but we are very flexible with schedules!

If you’d like more information, please email Ms. Brauweiler (brauweilerd@district90.org) directly – she’d love to talk with you!

New kindergarten Daisy troop – parent meeting tomorrow

A new Girl Scouts Daisies group is forming for Kindergarten girls. We will be doing various activities and crafts, earning badges, and most importantly, making new friends, creating memories and having fun. Contact Diana Oshen Jacquez to sign up or for more details/questions you may have about the Daisies at (dloshen@gmail.com), or stop in tomorrow, 9/24, between 7-8pm at the Community Room at the River Forest Public Library for a Kindergarten Daisies Informational Meeting.

Purchase with purpose ~ you shop, Amazon donates.

Simply visit http://smile.amazon.com/ch/36-4043619 to shop and Amazon will donate a % of eligible purchases back to Lincoln PTO of River Forest District 90. Every item available for purchase on Amazon.com is also available on AmazonSmile. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on the product detail pages. Thank you for your continued support of the Lincoln PTO!  The name to search is “Lincoln Parent-Teacher Organization of River Forest”


One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest

The One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest is accepting submissions now through January 13, 2019.

Encourage your child (and friends!) to make a 3 to 8 minute film about one of 6 sustainability topics: energy, food, transportation, waste, water, or open space/ecosystems. They should show a problem with their topic and then a solution.

Prizes are $100 for grades 3 to 5, $200 for grades 6 to 8, $350 for grades 9 to 11, and up. In addition, the winners will receive a matching grant to donate to a non-profit that supports the theme of their film. All winning films will premiere at the Gene Siskel Center as part of the One Earth Film Festival in March 2019.

For more information and to watch a 1.5 minute video explaining the contest, go here: https://www.oneearthfilmfest.org/contest-details/

We need your help!

Art Appreciation Help Needed! We would love any and all help for this years program! This is not a huge commitment and you do not need to be artistic at all! Everything is set up and your pick the artist and project- very easy and a great way to be in your child’s class 3 to 4 times a year!
Please sign up on signup genius for your child’s class or email Elizabeth Roginski at elizabethaugust@atproperties.com

More volunteer opportunities: There are many different ways to volunteer at Lincoln! You can sign up for one time volunteer slots at events like the pancake breakfast or for recurring volunteer slots like fun lunch. Some volunteer opportunities can be done at home while others take place at school or in the classroom.

The sign up genius page for 2018-2019 Volunteer registration is open and can be accessed from the PTO website or the Webstore. Even if you can only commit to an hour a month, your help will be very appreciated. We thank you in advance!