9/2 Lincoln Log

Lincoln Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the extra day! I enjoyed the weekend in St. Louis to celebrate my Mom’s birthday!
In the history of “first days of school,”  I’m pretty sure our Fine Fine School set the record for the best start of school ever!  Many thanks to each of you, our Fine Fine faculty and most importantly our Fine Fine kids for making the first few days of school practically perfect in every way!
Many thanks to Lauren Behan, Megan Kinsella and their army of volunteers who made our annual Back to School Picnic the best we’ve ever had!  It was a beautiful evening and the perfect way to celebrate the start of the school year!
As we dive in to September and begin to unofficially bid farewell to Summer, things will definitely begin to pick up pace here at Lincoln – beginning with Safety week, which is scheduled for this week, September 3-6. As always, we partner directly with the River Forest Police Department and Fire Department to execute these drills, reflect, and always make sure our kids are safe! In addition to safety drills, we will also host our annual bike safety and safety assemblies.
Attached again this week , here is the link to the River Forest Safe Routes to School and the Lincoln School FAQ!
Below is the schedule for the week:
Aligned with safety, this year D90 is implementing several new safety protocols and procedures. These implementations are the result of a collaborative effort between the D90 Safety Committee, RFPD and RFFD. These groups researched best practices in school safety when revising our safety procedures. While there were many behind the scenes improvements, there is one specific recommendation that will impact all visitors to Lincoln. As you might already know this year, all visitors to D90 schools will be required to leave an ID and obtain an official D90 lanyard in the main office prior to accessing the school. Please know these safety implementations are not intended to be an inconvenience, yet the priority is to always put the safety of all kids first.
Please don’t forget to mark your calendar for our annual Curriculum Night/Open House scheduled for Thursday, September 12. Below is a detailed outline of the evening
  • 6:30-6:55: 3rd and 4th Grade Classroom Presentations
  • 6:30-6:55:  Suzuki AM/PM and Stasys’s AM Kindergarten class presentation 
  • 7:00-7:25: All School Meeting in Auditorium
  • 7:30-7:55: 1st and 2nd Grade Classroom Presentations 
  • 7:30-7:55: Ms. Bailitz PM  Kindergarten classroom presentation
Although it is September, I’m looking forward to celebrating all Lincoln Eagle August birthdays on Thursday, September 5 during lunch. September Birthday lunch will be on Thursday, September 12 for all 1st-4th grade students.
As always, please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything more Ms. Gerges or I can do to better support your family. Cheers to a great week!
CG and CG
Quote of the week: “Kindness means doing things for the cause, not the applause!”


Tuesday, September 3:

  • Theater Club – 3:15-4:15pm, auditorium
  • Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting – 7:00pm at Roosevelt Middle School
    • Topic: Safety and Security in District 90 – BOE presentation followed by a question/answer session – community feedback welcomed.

Wednesday, September 4:

  • PTO Meeting: 8:45am, multipurpose room
  • 2nd Grade Bike Safety 3:10-4:30pm, Franklin Playground

Thursday, September 5:

  • August Principal Birthday Lunch
  • 2nd Grade Bike Safety 3:10-4:30pm, Franklin Playground

Friday, September 6:

  • Volleyball Club – 3:15-4:15pm, gym
  • 4th Grade Instrument Auditions
  • Safety Assemblies
  • Fun Lunch – Free Pizza!

Thursday, September 12:

  • Back to School Open House: 6:30pm

Back to School Picnic – what a great evening! 

Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the back to school picnic – you made it a success!  We could not have done it without Dionna Plywacz, Kristin Sneeringer, Rebecca Ehart, Amy Hansmann, Debbie Kellogg, Amy Bowen, Anne McDonnell, Sarah Donoho, Angela Grover, Pam Lawrence, Glenn Eckstein, Devin Howe, Crystal Bennett, Diana Jacquez, Cathleen Buckley, Amy Dwyer, Hui Kang, Carrie Horwitz, Amy Prestes, Bob Slavicek, Chad Alger-Hardt, and Jennifer Kerwin!

So much appreciation! – Lauren Behan and Megan Kinsella

1st PTO Meeting – Wednesday, September 4th at 8:45am!

Join us in the multipurpose room – all are welcome!


Beginning in October, show your Lincoln school spirit by wearing Lincoln gear or lots of RED on Fridays for a weekly Spirit Wear Challenge. Make sure your Lincoln wardrobe is ready! The classroom with the most students wearing Lincoln gear will be awarded a small prize. Two classrooms will be awarded every Friday, one class from 1st/2nd and one class from 3rd/4th grade.

Order online here by midnight on Friday, September 13!  All orders will ship directly to Lincoln and will be given to your child to bring home.  Please direct any questions to Jennifer Nelson (jennifernelson77@gmail.com). Thank you for your support!

FUN LUNCH – register by midnight tonight (9/2) to avoid late fees!

Image result for fun lunch imageFun lunch registration is NOW OPEN on the webstore. You may choose 1, 2, 3 or all 4 meal options. The cost for each lunch averages $6. Regular fun lunch registration will close on September 2. Late registration with an extra $15 fee will be available until September 10.

Fun lunch options for 2019/2020 will be:

  • Week 1: an extra large slice of cheese pizza
  • Week 2: Pasta Marinara OR Macaroni and Cheese
  • Week 3: Chicken Tenders OR Grilled Cheese Sandwich
  • Week 4: Hamburger OR Cheeseburger OR Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Friday, September 6 will be the first day of fun lunch and it will be FREE pizza for all students.

Fun lunch would not be possible without the help of volunteers to serve the meal! Please sign up to volunteer. It’s a great way to see your child and interact with other parents to make everyone’s favorite PTO program happen.  Questions? Please contact Ashley Brice (ashleyfb92@yahoo.com) or Cathy O’Neill (cathy102976@yahoo.com).

Parents – we need you!

Image result for we need you imageThe PTO still needs volunteers!  There are many ways for you to volunteer – whether you are a working parent or not, there is a place for you!

Many classrooms still need Room Parents!

Chicken Tender and Pasta Fun Lunch need more volunteers!  Please click on this link and sign up today!!!  

Lincoln News Broadcast – attention 3rd & 4th graders!

Image result for broadcast news kids clipartAre you interested in learning how to be a reporter? Have you wondered what it would be like to read the news on T.V.? Would you like to help produce a news show? Join Mr. Cheney and Mrs. Clasky on Mondays during the lunch period to work on our Lincoln news show! Open to 3rd & 4th grade students, maximum 20.  Registration opens Sunday, September 8 at 5pm on the PTO webstore!

Move it… With Mr. A and Mrs. McDermott

 Image result for kids exercising imageWelcome back to another great year here at our Fine, Fine School. The P.E. department wants you to join in their slogan of “We Like To Move It Move It”.  Please send us pictures of your child doing something that involves moving.  Examples include: basketball, baseball, fishing, camping etc. – anything where movement is occurring. These pictures can be with friends, family, or just a picture of your child.  We then want to show them off to the school by putting them on our bulletin board in the gym for all to see. We look forward to seeing your pictures! Please email any pictures directly to Mr. A (augustinej@district90.org) or Mrs. McDermott (mcdermottm@district90.org).

Volunteers needed in the Lincoln Library!

Image result for kids library image

Do you love books? Do you love to organize? If yes, please consider becoming a Lincoln Library volunteer. Over 30,000 books were checked out last year. Of course, what goes out, must come back! Volunteers are extremely vital to the library. They help to get the books back on the shelves quickly so they can be checked out by new students, as well as leave the library staff with valuable time to create great programs.

The timing is flexible – either at beginning of the day (walk your kids to school and stay for a bit) or at the end of the day (come early and get a good parking spot). Most volunteers come in weekly – but we are very flexible with schedules!

If you’d like more information, please email Ms. Brauweiler directly – she’d love to talk with you!

LemonAID – Wednesday, September 11 from 3-7pm!

LemonAid Click this link for more information!

Lincoln PTO World Languages Program – Registration NOW OPEN

The PTO World Languages Program is an optional, supplemental language program offered at Lincoln School. This program offers your child an opportunity to learn a new language and experience the culture of another country. During the Lincoln School year, French, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish are all offered as options for students to learn. Weekly class options to choose from are before school, during lunch and after school and are available for all 1st through 4th grade students. Registration through the WebStore IS NOW OPEN.

  • Cost: $175
  • Number of sessions: 28
  • Morning Classes meet from 7:30-8:15 am
  • Lunch-Recess Classes meet from 11:30 am-12:25 pm
  • After School Classes meet from 3:15-4:00 pm

Classes begin the week of Sept. 9th and end the 3rd week in April through the beginning of May, depending on the class and sessions missed due to holidays.

The primary goal of the Lincoln PTO’s World Languages Program is to capitalize on the important windows of opportunity for language acquisition which many studies show exist in young children, and to do so in a fun and stimulating environment! Children in the program acquire listening skills and develop the basis for conversation. They are also exposed to the cultures of the countries in which their chosen language is spoken. To meet these objectives, the instructors incorporate games, songs, art projects, story telling, play-acting, and other teaching methods appropriate for elementary level students. English is used as little as possible. The World Languages program is facilitated by instructors who are native speaking and/or have global language instructional backgrounds. Instructional materials are rotated to ensure that students do not receive the same curriculum within a language level. Textbooks and other materials, carefully selected by the instructors, are used in class and included in the class fee.

Unsure about which language or level to sign your child up for?
​The World Languages Program is designed to introduce the fundamentals of world languages and cultures to children before they are required to choose a world language as a core element of their education at Roosevelt Middle School. The World Languages Program offers two broad approaches to language learning:

● Approach 1:  Your child could choose a different language option each year at Lincoln, thereby sampling and gaining insights into each, being able to make a more informed choice as to which single language they would prefer to commit to at Roosevelt Middle School.
Please note that Mandarin Chinese is not currently offered at Roosevelt Middle School, but has been added to the Lincoln World Languages lineup in the spirit of broadening students’ world views and by popular demand.

● Approach 2:  Your child might decide to use the three years exposure to the World Languages Program at Lincoln to focus on only one language, i.e. Spanish, Italian, or French, thereby gaining more advanced knowledge of that specific language prior to moving on to Roosevelt.
Please use your best judgment about what is the right approach for your child(ren) and feel free to contact the World Languages Committee for guidance.
Please keep in mind that most beginner classes open to Grade 1 – 4 tend to be filled with younger students. Frequently fourth graders are unhappy in a class with predominantly first and second graders and this is something you may want to discuss with your child prior to enrollment. Also, note that during the first two weeks of the program, your child’s ability will be re- assessed by the World Languages teachers, and at that stage recommendations may be made for level switches, if deemed necessary, by the World Languages teachers and/or yourself.

All participating families are expected to complete the World Languages Code of Conduct form. World Languages fees are not refundable once classes begin.  Questions? Please email lincolnworldlanguage@gmail.com

Chef Du Jour – registration now open!

No fee! It will run the whole year September through End of May!  This club is for 2nd-4th graders, and there is no limit on how many can join!  Boys and girls, Mr. Taylor’s “Chef Du Jour” class is back! This popular class meets on Mondays at lunch from September 9 thru May 18, 2020 in the LLC.  This great program will focus on:

  • Reading recipes
  • Measurement – both standard and metric
  • Cooking and baking terms and vocabulary
  • Observing and learning about equipment used in cooking and baking!

All this while using no food in our classroom!  That’s right! Due to many allergies there will be no food products brought into the classroom!  Class projects will be completed at home with adult supervision. Through the use of pictures you will share with our class your finished projects!  Chef hats and aprons will be provided at no cost – register on the PTO webstore now!

Green 4 Good Club

Registration NOW OPEN on the webstore!

Green4Good is District 90’s Sustainability Committee with parent-led teams at each of our three schools. Last year, Lincoln launched Green4Good Kids, a club open to 3rd graders interested in learning more about sustainability and environmental stewardship in our community. We had a great inaugural year including: Trash Talk from George Strom of the Roy Strom Company; Stories from an Eco Adventurer’s Trip to Bali; and Love Food Not Waste with SugarBeet Food Co-op.

If your 3rd grader would like to be a Green4Good Kid, registration opens Thursday, August 22! Meetings are at school from 3:15-4:15 on the 3rd Monday of each month (with the exception of January and February when meetings fall on the 4th Monday due to school holidays).

Our first meeting this year is on September 16. Lincoln’s new G4G Kids will be joined by last year’s club members and together they will plant two new pollinator gardens with the Deep Roots Project.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Lincoln’s Green4Good co-chairs, Alexis Murphy and Renee Sichlau, or Theresa Dubois, Green4Good Kids Faculty Sponsor.

Lincoln News Crew – registration opens 9/15!

The Lincoln News Crew will be open to 4th graders and will meet on Mondays from 3:15 – 4:15. Students will flex their critical thinking skills and take turns being writers, designers and photographers when they create and publish a school newspaper at the end of the semester!

Students will learn how news is produced and explore topics such as:
– what are different types of news content (features, profiles, editorials) and how do we differentiate between them?
– How are daily, weekly, and monthly publications different? What does each offer?

Guest speakers and a virtual field trip to the Newseum in Washington, DC are being planned. Club meetings will be starting on 9/23. We will open up registration for this club on 9/15.

Please email Elizabeth Condon (elizabethg.condon@gmail.com) with any questions.

Boy Scouts Information Night – Thursday, 9/12 at 7pm!

Image result for cub scout image

Click on this flyer for more information!

One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest – submissions due midnight on January 5!

Image result for film contest imageBy combining science and art, it can be a wonderful part of a curriculum or an extra credit project this school year. Clubs or individuals are also welcome to enter the contest on their own.  We ask kids in grades 3 up through college age to create a 3 to 8 minute film about one of 6 sustainability topics: energy, food, transportation, waste, water, or open space/ecosystems. If the film is animated, it can be a minimum of 45 seconds long. They should present a problem with their topic and a solution.

Winners in grades 3 to 5 earn $100, winners in grades 6 to 8 earn $200, and winners in grades 9 to 11 earn $350. The prizes go up from there.

Each winner also gets a matching gift to donate to an organization that supports the theme of their film, and winning films premiere at the One Earth Film Festival at the Gene Siskel Center on March 7, 2020.

For more information, contest details are at this link: https://www.oneearthfilmfest.org/contest-details.  Previous winners are at this link: https://www.oneearthfilmfest.org/winners.  All media to post and share is at this link and also attached: https://www.oneearthfilmfest.org/contest-media-kit.

If you have any questions, please email or call Lisa Biehle Files at lisa@greencommunityconnections.org or call 708-267-5713.