9-26 Lincoln PTO Newsletter

Autumn is here! 


FUN LUNCH for Friday, Sept. 27th is pizza from Domino’s at 329 Chicago Avenue in Oak Park. Thank you to all the Fun Lunch helpers.

 A SPECIAL THANK-YOU to the Lincoln staff and other volunteers at our Movie Night  last week.



RAFFLE DEADLINE EXTENDED to Sunday, September 29th at midnight.
Would your child like to lead the Halloween parade or be Principal for a Day? How about winning a class pizza party, a Book Fair gift certificate, or 4 tickets to the Pancake Breakfast? The drawing will be held next week—it’s not too late! Check out all the fun fundraising prizes available at the PTO Web Store.

HEARTWORKS is a service club ONLY for 4th graders!  We will hold our first meeting on Monday Sept. 30th, during the 1st half of the lunch period in Ms. Bajo’s room:  23E. Make a difference and be of service to others.


 “Look at Your Lunch”  sent home everything uneaten from lunch this week. This hopefully gave us all a better appreciation for the amount of trash created.

 WASTE-FREE WEDNESDAYS LUNCH CHALLENGE: Beginning Wednesday, October 2nd, the Green4Good Committee will give out hand stamps to all kids who bring a waste-free lunch. This will be an on-going event each Wednesday up until our BIG Waste-Free Lunch Challenge during Earth Week. For tips on packing a waste-free lunch go to the District 90 website and click on the “Zero-Waste Lunch Tips” flyer.

Green4Good also wants you to know about the 2014 Young Filmmakers Contest.  It is open to students from grade school through college. Students are invited to make a solution based, 3-8 minute film or short 45 second animation to address issues surrounding climate change and sustainability.  For more information: http://greencommunityconnections.org/contest-details/ 


Connect4Kidsfamily Thursday, October 3rd, at  6:00-7:30 PM in the Gym.

Please join Connect4Kids as we build a caring, connected community. Your whole family is invited to participate in raffles, art projects, games, yoga, and more at our fun Family Night!

ART APPRECIATION: Parents—Come to an informational meeting about being an art parent. It is a fun way to be in your child’s classroom a couple of times per year. The meeting will be on Thursday, October 3rd at the River Forest Public Library at  9:15 am. Do not be afraid—you do not need an art background!  Information and supplies are provided.  Come check it out.  Questions? Call Jean at 708-488-0933 or email lunamama6 AT gmail.com.

SCHOOL PICTURE DAY is October 8th.

The Green4Good Committee would like to encourage everyone at Lincoln to walk to school that week! It’s fun, it’s healthy, and it helps the Earth.

FAMILY MATH NIGHT is October 17th starting at 6:30pm.

  Join your friends for the Lincoln PTO’s popular Family Math Night.  Have fun playing games and winning prizes using your math skills. Admission is free. 


The THIRD-GRADE GIRL SCOUT TROOP is still open to new Brownies.  If your girls are not able to attend Tuesday meetings, there is still an opportunity to join our monthly outings, field trips and service opportunities.  We have part 2 of our patch-eligible Food Drive this Saturday, September 28th at 10:00 AM and our big screen outdoor Movie Night on Friday, September 27th at 6:45 PM. For more details and to RSVP, contact Irene Wolinski for the Food Drive at 773-544-9740 and Suzi Schrader for the Movie Night at 312-961-6497.

Girl Scouts is an enriching experience that helps girls make friends, learn new skills, and be part of their community. We only need 5 girls to form a troop. Please contact Lurana Brown if you are interested: “luranajbrown AT yahoo.com”.

 Sign Up Now!

The PTO runs on volunteers—can you help?
We need volunteers for Waste-Free Wednesdays, Connect 4 Kids Game Night, School Picture Day, and Family Math Night. Find the event right for you on Sign Up Genius.    

Please submit requests to “lincolnPTOcommunications@gmail.com” by midnight on Tuesday for the weekly Thursday newsletter.