5/6 Lincoln Log

Lincoln Families,
Happy Staff Appreciation Week!!
Whether you celebrated Cinco De Mayo, attended a Derby party, or watched the Cardinals and Cubs this weekend, I hope you enjoyed the break from the work-week!  It was great seeing so many Lincoln families cheering me on in the Pizza Eating contest last Friday evening in support of River Forest Girls Softball!
“Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher.”~Maggie Gallagher! 
As we kick off our annual Teacher Appreciation Week, I found that quote to be quite appropriate! You can’t have a Fine Fine School… without Fine Fine Teachers! Therefore, I hope you’ll join me in taking some time this week to celebrate everyone on our Fine Fine staff at Lincoln School. They are here early in the morning, late in the evening on weekends and even holidays/summer break working to make your child’s experience at Lincoln be fun, memorable and unique. While the PTO has quite a week lined up for our Fine Fine staff, I encourage you to send a note, a phone call and e-mail or just a smile to our staff this week. Thanks for helping to celebrate all they do to make Lincoln such a Fine Fine School!

District 90 is seeking your participation in the Education for the Future survey. Created by California State University, the survey is designed to help school districts assess student, family, and staff perceptions about the functioning of schools as well as their processes and practices. Your insights will help the District understand the conditions in District 90 schools and guide ongoing improvement efforts. All of the surveys are anonymous and confidential.

This week, we will begin our Spring benchmark assessments. Below is the NWEA MAP schedule. As you might recall D90 administers the NWEA MAP in the Fall and Spring each academic year. While it is only one of many data points we use when designing and differentiating instruction, MAP provides a snap-shot of student growth as well as areas to target through differentiation.

As always, thank you for your continued support of our Fine Fine School! Please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can do to better support your kids or your family.
Have a great week. CG



Monday, 5/7:

  • Last PTO meeting of the year – 8:45am, art room

Tuesday, 5/8:

  • Maypole practice 7:30-8:10am, gym
  • 2nd Grade MAP Testing (Math) – 10am
  • Drumming practice 11:30-12pm, reading garden
  • Girls on the Run – 3:10-4:30pm, gym

Wednesday, 5/9:

  • 2nd Grade MAP Testing (Reading) – 10am
  • Corey Basketball Jones (Social Emotional Learning Assembly)
    • Grades K-2 at 1:00pm
    • Grades 3-4 at 2:00pm

Thursday, 5/10:

  • Maypole practice 7:30-8:10am, gym
  • Girls on the Run – 3:10-4:30pm, gym

Friday, 5/11:

  • Wonder Writers – 7:30am, multipurpose room
  • 1st Grade Field Trip- Chicago Children’s Theatre
  • Drumming practice 11:30-12pm, reading garden
  • Fun Lunch –  Pizza

ATTENTION PARENTS OF 4TH GRADERS – activity fee and commemorative video!

Image result for maypole danceNOTE – PARENT VOLUNTEER NEEDED:  We are in need of a parent volunteer to combine the 4th grade student photos into a commemorative video set to music.  This is a strictly from home, on the computer, project.  It is a fun, heartwarming, laugh-inducing, and rewarding opportunity!  Contact Suzanne D’Agostino (suzanne.dagostino@gmail.com) or Amy Prestes (amyprestes@gmail.com) for more information or to volunteer.

Please Don’t Forget to Pay 4th Grade Activities Fee

Please click here to pay your $25 4th Grade Activity Fee.This money goes toward the t-shirt that your 4th grader will wear during Field Day and the cost of the 4th grade breakfast celebration on the last day of school.  If you are unsure if you have already paid, please click here and log in to review your order history on the PTO webstore.

Any questions? Contact Suzanne D’Agostino (suzanne.dagostino@gmail.com) or Amy Prestes (amy.prestes@gmail.com).

Commemorative Video for 4th Graders: Pictures Needed

A video will be shown at the 4th grade breakfast on the morning of June 8. The video will contain pictures of the 4th graders through their years at Lincoln School. So grab a box of tissues and scroll through your old photos. Please begin to gather a variety of photos of your child commemorating all of their years at Lincoln, grades K through 4. We suggest photos from school events, school concerts, class parties, field trips, PTO events, back to school pictures, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, other clubs, youth sports teams, pictures with good Lincoln buddies, etc.  Photos can be submitted to the PTO dropbox via this link. Please contact Amy Prestes (amy.prestes@gmail.com) with any questions.

Lincoln yearbooks are now on sale – order deadline is 5/13!

Yearbooks are now available to order on the PTO Web Store.  $30 gets you a hardcover book and a souvenir pen, the deadline for orders is Sunday, May 13.  Books are distributed during the Ice Cream Social on June 1st.  Save your confirmation email from the PTO Web Store so you can quickly confirm your order when “end of the school year” panic sets in!

Important information for next year’s 5th grade families – school supplies!

Get your 4th grader ready for 5th grade now — 5th grade, teacher-approved kits from SchoolKidz.  Enter Roosevelt Account Number 20848 in the green box.

Sale site will be open until May 15th.

Prefer back-to-school shopping on your own?? The 5th grade supply list can be found here (see the first page for 5th grade list).

Contact Bridget Thomason with any questions regarding the 5th grade supply list.

Join the 2018/2019 PTO team!

There are still PTO positions available for the 2018-2019 school year – please contact Suzanne D’Agostino (suzanne.dagostino@gmail.com) or Amy Prestes (amy.prestes@gmail.com) if you’d like to get involved.  Areas where help is needed:

  • Math Night coordinators
  • Yearbook committee members
  • Picture Day Coordinator
  • Principal Birthday Lunch co-chair
  • Fun Lunch co-chair

The mission of the PTO is to support and enhance the education of the children at Lincoln School. But without input, ideas and support from the families at Lincoln, fulfilling this mission is not possible. There is a lot you can do for the PTO and for Lincoln School whether you are a working parent or a stay at home parent. Volunteer opportunities are available for events taking place at school during the week or on weekends. And opportunities are available for you to work from the comfort of your own home while younger children nap.  Thank you for your continued support of the Lincoln PTO!

Important messages from your School Nurse

Image result for nurse cross

Please remember during cold and flu season to keep your child home if they are sick. If they have a fever they need to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before they can return to school. If they are vomiting and/or have diarrhea, make sure it has been at least 24 hours since the last episode before returning to school. If your child has an excessively runny nose or cannot stop coughing, it may be a good idea to keep them home. This is to protect your child from catching something if their immune system is down, as well as to protect the other students and staff. Thank you for doing your part to keep everyone at Lincoln School healthy.

Attendance reporting

When reporting your child’s absence please be sure to either use the district attendance e-mail or telephone extension:
1) Lincoln School Attendance Line: 708.366.7340
2) Email 24-7 to lincolnattendance@district90.org