5/15 Lincoln Log

Lincoln Families,

Welcome to the final 14 days of school!  I hope you had a great weekend. I enjoyed a weekend here in town hanging with my dog, visiting friends and watching St. Louis Blues hockey!

This week we are excited to partner with the Oak Park River Forest Infant Welfare Society to promote their Book Drive. Please see the attachment for details.  Book Drive    Books can be dropped off in the Park Ave. lobby of Lincoln. Please consider supporting this great cause.

Additionally this week, Lincoln School’s Inaugural Girls on the Run Team is sponsoring their service project, “Share Your Soles.”  Read more information about our shoe drive below.

On Thursday, I am excited to celebrate May birthdays during the May Principal Birthday Lunch. Please note the dates for additional Principal Birthday Lunches:

  • June Birthdays:  Wednesday, June 1
  • July Birthdays:  Thursday, June 2
  • August Birthdays will celebrate next school year (8/31 tentative)

I am also excited to attend my first Lincoln School Ice Cream Social on Friday evening. This will be a great opportunity for us to celebrate the closing days of the school year and all the achievements and fun events of the year.

Finally, in preparing for next year, I am excited to share the announcement of some new staffing/teacher placements for the 2016-17 school year. We are very excited about the new roles these individuals will have and the impact they will have on our kids.

  • Mrs. Karrin Burns: 3rd Grade
  • Mrs. Katie Nichols: Reading Specialist
  • Mrs. Lissa Kiep: Kindergarten

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, please be sure to remind your students and caregivers the importance of always remaining alert and adhering to safety rules when walking and biking to school. As you know, Lincoln is located adjacent to some relatively busy streets and intersections. Either walking, driving or biking, please think Safety First!

As always, thank you for your continued support of Lincoln School. Please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can can do to help your family.


5/13 Spirit Award Winners:

  • 1st & 2nd Grades:  Mrs. Donnelly
  • 3rd & 4th Grades:  Mrs. Bajo


Monday, 5/16

  • Start of Book Drive & Shoe Drive
  • Tennis for 3rd & 4th
  • Yoga

Tuesday, 5/17

  • Girls on the Run

Wednesday, 5/18

  • Tennis for 1st & 2nd
  • Habitat Helpers 3rd & 4th
  • 4th Grade Maypole & Drum Practice

Thursday, 5/19

  • May Principal Birthday Lunch
  • Girls on the Run

Friday, 5/20

  • 4th Grade Maypole & Drum Practice
  • Last Day for Book Drive
  • Ice Cream Social  6:00 to 7:30pm
  • Lincoln Spirit Day
  • Fun Lunch: Chicken Tenders/Veggie Burgers



Shoe Drive sponsored by Girls On The Run

Share Your Soles

Do you have any gently worn shoes you’d like to get rid of?  Please help the Girls on the Run club of Lincoln School collect shoes for the Share Your Soles organization.  For the rest of the month of May, there will be a collection bin in the Park side lobby of Lincoln school.

Here are a few things to remember:

* Quality, not quantity: 
Be sure that the shoes you donate are gently worn or new, are clean, and can withstand heavy wear. Please no holes or worn off bottoms.

* Please ask yourself:  Would I feel comfortable personally handing this pair of shoes to someone in need? Please donate shoes that respect one’s dignity. 
Types of shoes: 
We accept shoes of any type and size, for any type of weather. This includes athletic shoes, sandals, school shoes, boots, dress shoes, work shoes, slippers, etc. The need for children’s shoes is the greatest, but we will always take any type of shoe.

Any questions, please contact Kristin Bailitz  (kristinbailitz AT gmail.com)


Ice Cream Social, Yearbook Distribution and PTO Spring General Meeting is this Friday, May 20th


6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the Franklin Playground

Join the Lincoln School community for its last and loved end-of-the-year event at our annual Ice Cream Social.

$2.50  for an ice cream sundae with your choice of toppings:  whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, cherry  (Brown Cow ice cream)

Yearbooks will be distributed to those who ordered copies on the web store, and we have copies available for sale for $25 each (subject to availability).

PTO General Membership Meeting:  Look for the lady with the microphone as we get the party started with the formal approval of our 2016-17 Executive Board Slate.  We are finalizing the last slots in the slate this week–many thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to fill all our positions.

Ice Cream Questions?  please contact Jennifer  Moore (jenniferandrichmoore AT hotmail.com) or Katie Moroney (moroneykatie AT yahoo.com).

Yearbook Questions? please contact Ann Mills (anncieslica AT msn.com)

PTO Questions?  please contact Amy Dwyer (amyadwyer AT gmail.com)

Hope to see you all there!


Crossing Guard Collection at the Ice Cream Social

Our school community started a wonderful tradition a few years ago.  We collect for end-of-the-year monetary gifts for our hard-working and friendly crossing guards, Kevin and Paulette.  Please pack some extra cash if you wish to contribute at the Ice Cream Social.  Every donation is appreciated.  If you miss the 5/20 collection, stay tuned to the Log and we’ll advise of future contribution opportunities.   Thank you!


Fourth Grade Maypole and Drum Circle Practice starts this Wednesday, May 18th

Field Day is around the corner! 4th graders can participate in both the Maypole and Drum Circle, but we would like them to attend at least 5 practices for each group they are in. Please keep that in mind.

An email went out to parents late last week who signed up their son or daughter to participate in the Maypole or Drum Circle. That email included a Sign Up Genius Link that maps out the practice schedule for both the Maypole and Drum Circle. Even if you did not receive that email and had not signed up yet, please note that there is still time.

We would like to direct everyone to the Sign Up Genius for further information and to sign up for specific practices so we know when to expect your son or daughter. Note that location/dates/timing of the practices is included in the Sign Up Genius.

Questions about Maypole –  please contact Amy Tomaso  (atomaso AT gloor.com) or Dee Dee Carr  (dwn1878 AT gmail.com). Questions about Drum Circle – please contact Lurana Brown (luranajbrown AT yahoo.com).


Saturday, May 21st Deadline to Submit Photos for the 4th Grade DVD

Only a few more weeks until we break out the Kleenexes watching the slideshow at the 4th grade breakfast as we see how much the kids have changed since kindergarten.  It’s time to dig through your archives to find those gems – those first day of school pics, those holiday concert snapshots, and all those class parties.  The kids love to be featured in the slideshow – please send in your pics! 

You can email photos to Jenn Meyer (jmeyer AT ajenda.com).

You can drop off a thumb drive, a disk or a photo card to Jenn’s mailbox  (746 Forest) and she will return the media this month.  Thank you!


Please Don’t Forget to Pay 4th Grade Activities Fee

This fee helps fund the special items that all 4th grade students receive: Field Day T-shirt, Commemorative DVD, and Breakfast w/Parents on June 3rd.

Not sure you paid your fee? Go to the PTO Web Store and log in to view your account history.  Please click here to pay your $20 4th Grade Activity Fee.

Questions? Please contact Tammy Travis (tamara_irwin AT yahoo.com).


Fifth Grade School Supply Kits – Order deadline is Monday, 5/23

All the Roosevelt Middle School supply kits are available from the vendors website, but only until Monday, 5/23.

Step 1 – click here to access the vendor’s website and begin your order (note: Roosevelt’s account number is 20848 if you start on the main page)
Step 2 – choose your incoming grade level and follow instructions to complete your order. *the 5th grade pack will include a binder*

School supply pick up will be at Roosevelt on Tuesday, August 23rd. 

Questions? Please contact Vickie Freund (vmfreund AT sbcglobal.net) or Dee Dee Carr (dwn1878 AT gmail.com). 



School Supply Donations

Another end-of-the-year tradition at Lincoln:  The Green4Good Committee collects our gently used school supplies and donates them to the Maywood School District.  If you DO NOT wish for your child’s supplies to be donated, please email Laura Maychruk (lmaychruk AT comcast.net).  Please indicate your child’s name, grade and teachers name.  Otherwise all supplies will be collected at the end of classes on Thursday, June 2nd.
Thank you for your support.

PTO Volunteer Appreciation Party

When:  Thursday, May 26 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. 

Where:  738 Clinton Place 

Calling all Volunteers! If you volunteered this year: room parents, art parents, yearbook, G4G, Fun Lunch, Connect4kids, etc., etc.

Please join us for drinks and desserts as we express our gratitude for all of your hard work on behalf of the Lincoln community. Thank you for all you have done to make this year a great one! Questions/RSVP Tammy Travis tamara_irwin@yahoo.com


Field Day Information – JUNE 3

fun run clip artThis year the Lincoln Field Day will take place on the last day of school. It’s a fun afternoon that kicks off with a family picnic on the Lincoln playground at 11:25. Parents bring a blanket and a picnic lunch for their family. Although many parents attend, kids sit in class groups and will not feel left out if a parent cannot be there.  Specific spots are mapped out for each classroom on the Franklin Lawn.

The Fourth Grade Maypole and Drumming presentation is immediately after lunch.  Then it’s time for the games! Parents are welcome to stay and help run the games, or can collect their kids at the end of the school day.


Fun Lunch, originally scheduled for Friday 6/3 has been MOVED to THURSDAY 6/2 because of the Field Day Picnic. It’s a FREE Pizza Lunch for ALL students on 6/2.


Join Lincoln Links: Help Ease the Transition to Lincoln for a New Family

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Volunteer to help welcome new families next fall! The new family welcome chairs Peter Chien and Stephanie Rath encourage you to sign up to help deliver welcome signs to new families, serve as greeter for one of the back-to-school welcome events, or serve as a mentor for a new family joining your child’s grade. Your early commitment will help us make sure all the late-August activities run smoothly. Check out all the opportunities and sign up here!

Community Bulletin Board

Click here to find out more about community events, sports, classes and workshops.