Lincoln Families,
Whether the past few days have found your family celebrating Passover or Easter, I’m hopeful that this message finds your family healthy and continuing to embrace this experience with an optimistic lens and a hopeful heart.
Exactly one month ago, kids, teachers and staff walked out the doors of Lincoln School for what we thought then might just be a few days. My…. how the past thirty days have changed the landscape of families, education, and our world forever. Like each of you, I continue to have moments during each day where my emotions seem to change like the tide. This morning, as I was watching Easter Mass from my couch, our Pastor posed a poignant question that stuck with me and has given me hope on a day that I would have traditionally spent gathered with my family and friends. Paraphrasing, Fr. Hurley’s message went something like this…. “What will we see on the other side of this? What will we see in ourselves? What will we see in the human family? I hope we see more love, more hope and a human family that puts things into proper perspective.” While these days continue to challenge all of us, if we spend this time reflecting on that question and those outcomes… then perhaps this entire experience will be remembered for all the hope that overcame all of the fear.
As we enter week four of E-Learning, please know how grateful myself and the Lincoln staff remain for your unwavering support as we continue to find our stride, manage time, and support students utilizing these new platforms for teaching. Daily, teachers are creating and distributing lessons and assignments to kids in all the content areas. As you can imagine, this results in hundreds if not thousands of Seesaw touch points in a single day for teachers. While teachers are experts at multitasking, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the reality and sustainability of teachers to respond to and approve EVERY assignment, activity and student post each day is unattainable. Much like each of you, many of our teachers are home with their children, managing their homes and E-teaching their class and their own kids at the same time. Teaching has and never will be a “9-5,” profession, but during this evolving time of uncertainty going forward, teachers may choose an assignment or activity each day for which to provide feedback. Lessons and activities will still be delivered in all content areas each day. However the daily feedback/focus will be more content specific on any given day. We can all agree the E-Learning is an imperfect solution during these times, but we continue to appreciate your support and feedback.
A few weeks ago, I challenged our kids to create cards that would be shared with health care workers. Hundreds of cards were delivered to local hospitals. Here are a few pictures that were shared with me from some very appreciative health providers.
Below in the LOG, you will see another such challenge that Ms. Kozbur our Fine, Fine Art teacher shared with our kids last week. Thanks for continuing to spread “Lincoln Love” all around Chicagoland!
While the doors of Lincoln remain closed for now….. one day they WILL reopen…spend this time knowing that Lincoln is much more than just the building located at 511 Park Ave. A little piece of Lincoln lives in each of us and with our collective “Lincoln Love,” we will continue to guide our kids through this turbulent time. Thanks for your continued support of Lincoln. As always, please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything more I can do to support your family from afar.
Have a wonderful week and BE WELL! CG
Monday, April 13:
Tuesday, April 14:
Wednesday, April 15:
Thursday, April 16:
Friday, April 17:
I hope everyone is staying healthy. Remember to get lots of rest, eat balanced meals, and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds frequently. For more in depth instructions on proper hand washing, please visit
Thank you for doing your part to keep our Lincoln Community safe,
Erin Godellas
Yearbooks are now available to order on the PTO Web Store. The hardcover books are available at a pre-order price of $25/book now through May 15. Pre-ordered books will be distributed at the Ice Cream Social on 6/5 along with a souvenir pen. Save your confirmation email from the PTO Web Store so you can quickly confirm your order when the “end of the school year” madness sets in!
Any books that remain after the initial online orders are taken will be available for purchase on a first come first serve basis at the Ice Cream Social for $30/book. Keep in mind that the yearbooks are quite popular, so we highly recommend ordering in advance!
The staff at Rush Oak Park Hospital would love to see artwork from kids displayed on their walls to help cheer them up. They are working very hard and a little color would go a long way to make their days a little more cheerful. Here is my idea! Think about flowers, butterflies, rainbows, trees, birds singing …anything that is colorful and happy. Take a piece of paper (no larger than 11 x14, no smaller than 8.5 x 11) and create your masterpiece. If you have paints, then you can paint, if you have markers and crayons or cray pas, then use those (please don’t start with pencils :). Please remember Mrs. Kozbur’s recommendations – take your time, use the entire page, don’t be afraid to go off the edges, make it big so everyone can see – and most important – LOTS OF HAPPY COLORS!!!! It’s okay to include a message in you art work if you’d like.
We are working on having a bin set up at the main door on Park Avenue so you can drop your art work off starting next Monday, April 20! We will collect through Wednesday, April 22 and then your art work will be delivered and put up in the hospital. Let’s put a smile on everyone’s face and make their day a little brighter! – Mrs. Kozbur
The mission of the PTO is to support and enhance the education of the children at Lincoln School. But without input, ideas and support from the families at Lincoln, fulfilling this mission is not possible. All of the planning for our 2020-2021 PTO related events starts soon, so even though things are up in the air for the next few weeks in our school community, we are still working hard to put together our slate for next year.
There is a lot you can do for the PTO and for Lincoln School whether you are a working parent or a stay at home parent. Volunteer opportunities are available for events taking place at school during the week or on weekends. And opportunities are available for you to work from the comfort of your own home while younger children nap.
Thank you for your continued support of the Lincoln PTO! Please click here to view the list of positions available for the 2020-21 school year.