2/3 Lincoln PTO Newsletter: PTO Coffee at Roosevelt on Wednesday 2/4

 Fun Lunch for Friday, 2/6:  Pizza !


Thank you to Domino’s Pizza in Oak Park and our dedicated Fun Lunch volunteers!

PTO Coffee on the Roosevelt Exterior Project this Wednesday 2/4,   9 a.m. and 7 p.m.  in Roosevelt’s Multipurpose Room

Please support District 90’s Roosevelt Exterior Project.

Our Board of Education voted 6-0 in favor of this exterior plan.  The Executive PTO Boards of Roosevelt, Lincoln and Willard all support this plan.  Please click HERE to read an overview and add your name to the list of supporters in advance of this Thursday’s Development Review Board (DRB) meeting.

Would you like more information about the Roosevelt Exterior Project?  Please join us this Wednesday, February 4th at 9 a.m. or at 7 p.m. in Roosevelt’s multi-purpose room.  Roosevelt PTO Green4Good representative Keary Cragan, who served on both the original and the expanded Exterior Planning Committees, will walk through the proposed Exterior Plan and answer questions about the planning process.  Superintendent Dr. Condon will also be our guest.

 Lincoln Yearbooks are on sale!

Cover 1

Order books on the PTO Web Store  today!   $20 each until March 1st, when the price increases to $25.

Don’t forget to save your confirmation email from the PTO Web Store so you can quickly confirm your order when “end of the school year” panic sets in!

Do you have any photos for the Lincoln Yearbook?  We’re collecting until 2/17 !

If you have some great photos of the First Day of School, or any PTO or School Events (like the Pancake Breakfast, 5K Run, Halloween parties, Math Night, Book Fair Story Time, or Winter Concerts) you can email them to Cheri Gearhart    “cheri AT gearhart.com”  or  Ann Mills  “anncieslica AT msn.com”   Thank you!

Have you seen the cool Lincoln Spirit Wear on display in the office window?

Lincoln Spirit Wear

Lincoln PJ PantsThere are hoodies, hats, cozy flannel pants, and shirts with long sleeves and  short sleeves.  Get some on order!  Please email Jackie Holland for questions and order information:  jackie-holland AT sbcglobal.net



 Waste Free Wednesdays!

Each Wednesday through April 22nd we will be celebrating waste free lunches with a hand stamp, culminating in a Waste Free Challenge during Earth Week.  This is a fun way to participate in one of your child’s favorite activities!   We are looking for 2-3 volunteers every Wednesday from 11:15 – noon.  Please consider volunteering for a quick 45 minute time slot via SignUp Genius!  (scroll way to the bottom for G4G, thanks!)

Mark your Calendars:

Friday 2/13:  Early Dismissal at 11:25 a.m.

Monday 2/16:  No School, Presidents Day

Monday 2/23:  7pm 4th Grade Band & Orchestra Concert at Roosevelt

Do you want to announce your school-related event?

Please submit requests to “lincolnPTOcommunications AT gmail.com” by midnight on Monday for the weekly newsletter.