2/19 Lincoln Log

Lincoln Families,
Happy Presidents Day! I hope you enjoyed another great three-day weekend with your kids.

While the Lincoln Eagles enjoyed a day away from school, our teachers spent Presidents Day highly engaged in an Institute Day that focused on technology in our classrooms as well as best practices on inclusivity. Today’s topics of professional development paired nicely with D90’s focus on embedding a positive growth mindset into our daily life and instruction. Attached is the link to a video that portrays how a growth mindset can be translated into classroom instruction. This specific clip models growth mindset in a mathematics lesson and highlights the practices we are learning to implement in D90.

Encouraging Students to Persist Through Challenges

D90 also invites you to participate in a Mindset Webinar on Wednesday, February 21 from 8:00-9:00 PM. See the information below for instructions on how to join the conversation.

This week is a busy one here at Lincoln. On Wednesday, February 21 our students will participate in the culmination of Jump Rope For Heart during PE classes. On Saturday, February 24, Lincoln is excited to host our annual Young Authors Conference. Finally, on Sunday, February 25, we will hold our third annual International festival. I hope to see you around at one of these events.

The tragic events in Parkland Florida last week served as a sobering reminder of our great responsibility to remain vigilant in our commitment to keeping our students safe. Attached is a message from Chief O’Shea of the RFPD with a renewed commitment and awareness to supporting safety in our schools. Our ongoing partnership with the RFPD and RFFD provide us ongoing opportunities to reflect upon and refine our safety plans and emergency procedures.

It’s hard to believe Spring Parent Teacher Conferences are next week. If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to register for a time to meet with your child’s teachers.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Lincoln School. Please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can do to better support you or your family.

Have a great week. CG


Tuesday, 2/20:

  • Tennis grades 3/4 – 3:15-4pm, gym
  • Theater Club – 3:15-4:15pm, auditorium

Wednesday, 2/21:

  • Jump Rope for the Heart – during PE classes
  • 4th Grade Math Circle – lunch/recess
  • NO Winter Sports Camp
  • One District/One Book Webinar – 8pm, virtual

Thursday, 2/22:

  • Tennis grades 1/2 – 3:15-4pm, gym
Friday, 2/23:
  • Wonder Writers – 7:30am, multi-purpose room
  • Fun Lunch – Chicken Tenders/Veggie Burgers

Sunday, 2/25 – International Festival, 1-4pm in the Lincoln School Gym, Franklin Street Entrance

Annual Lincoln School Auction – March 16th, tickets on sale NOW!

 Tickets are ON SALE now for the Hoops and Heels Lincoln Auction. Enjoy premium wines, craft beers and great food while you bid on exciting items, watch March Madness and hang out with our awesome Lincoln Family. Tickets are $60 for an individual ticket or $100 for a pair. All proceeds go to the Lincoln PTO.

Click HERE to buy tickets and sign up for online bidding.

One District/One Book Webinar – Wednesday, February 21 at 8pm

District 90, in partnership with the PTOs, will be hosting several upcoming events as part of the shared reading experience, the One District/One Book effort. This community-wide reading initiative encourages families and residents to read, reflect, and discuss the same book together. All District 90 families, faculty, staff, students, and River Forest residents are encouraged to read and join in the discussion of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, by Carol Dweck.

The Mindset approach offers a framework to advance one’s efforts in the classroom (for students), at work, with personal relationships, and in the community. School and local librarians are offering other potential book titles with similar themes for novice or young readers.

Webinar – Wednesday, February 21 from 8-9pm
Please plan to participate in an interactive webinar for anyone interested in understanding the components of the growth mindset approach. More than a concept that relies on positive thinking, the growth mindset approach encourages meeting challenges through a variety of methods. Participants will be able to leverage practical suggestions about the growth mindset approach as they learn how to apply its tenets to all aspects of their lives.

All events are free and open to the public. Please plan to attend one or all of the upcoming One District/One Book events, see attached flyer.

Jump Rope For Heart (grades 1-4) – February 21!

Forms and parent letters were​ sent home with students in grades 1-4. The students who participate in the fundraising event will have until February 21 to collect donations.  On February 21, we will celebrate Jump Rope for Heart Day during PE classes. On that day, all the students will jump rope celebrating being heart healthy – all fundraising envelopes should be turned in at that time.  Wondering what Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart is all about? Check it out!


Jump Rope For Heart:

Here  are four easy steps to get your student’s online fundraising page set up and start collecting lifesaving donations (or watch this quick video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc9Yz4lNzLU):

  1. Go to your school’s fundraising page: WWW.HEART.ORG/GOTO/LINCOLNRIVERFOREST
  2. Click on the Sign Up button
  3. Create a username and password and then fill out the registration form
  4. Share your personal fundraising link with friends and family right away.

AND/OR Download the FREE mobile app Jump/Hoops and register your student that way

Thank you for joining us as we challenge each other to keep our heart healthy and raise money for kids with special hearts!

Girls On the Run – Registration is open!

Fitness, Empowerment, & Fun? Join Girls on the Run!

Girls on the Run is a non-profit, after-school program for 3rd and 4th grade girls that uses the power of running to educate girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. The program combines training for a 5k event with interactive lessons that encourage positive physical and social-emotional development.

WHEN do we meet?
 Twice a week after school for 75 – 90 minutes with your team. The program will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Lincoln School starting in March through May and is led by trained, volunteer coaches.  (Cost will be $205/girl for the 12 week season).

Sign up is open! Go to gotrchicago.org to sign up and learn more.  5K Race to be held in Grant Park on Saturday, May 19.

Volunteer as a coach for Girls on the Run!  You don’t need to be a runner or have previous coaching experience – just the passion to change the lives of young girls.

Contact Kristin Bailitz at kristinbailitz@gmail.com if interested.


Join in 4th Grade Field Day Activities

Would your son or daughter like to participate in one of Lincoln School’s Field Day traditions? Our kids have excitedly been watching the “big kids” (aka – 4th graders) over the years entertain and kick off Field Day with Drumming and the Maypole Dance. Now it’s their turn to participate! Field Day is currently scheduled for the last day of school, Thursday, June 6. Your 4th grader can choose to participate in the Maypole Dance and/or Drumming. We are in need of parent volunteers to help guide and instruct the students in the drumming activity.  Please email Suzanne D’Agostino (suzanne.dagostino@gmail.com) or Amy Prestes (amy.prestes@gmail.com) if you are interested in leading the 4th graders in this Lincoln Tradition.

Please Don’t Forget to Pay 4th Grade Activities Fee

Please click here to pay your $25 4th Grade Activity Fee.This money goes toward the t-shirt that your 4th grader will wear during Field Day and the cost of the 4th grade breakfast celebration on the last day of school.  If you are unsure if you have already paid, please click here and log in to review your order history on the PTO webstore.

Any questions? Contact Suzanne D’Agostino (suzanne.dagostino@gmail.com) or Amy Prestes (amy.prestes@gmail.com).

Commemorative Video for 4th Graders: Pictures Needed

A video will be shown at the 4th grade breakfast on the morning of June 6. The video will contain pictures of the 4th graders through their years at Lincoln School. So grab a box of tissues and scroll through your old photos. Please begin to gather a variety of photos of your child commemorating all of their years at Lincoln, grades K through 4. We suggest photos from school events, school concerts, class parties, field trips, PTO events, back to school pictures, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, other clubs, youth sports teams, pictures with good Lincoln buddies, etc.  We will set up a method for collecting those photos in the coming weeks.

Important Messages from your School Nurse

Image result for nurse cross

Please remember during cold and flu season to keep your child home if they are sick. If they have a fever they need to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before they can return to school. If they are vomiting and/or have diarrhea, make sure it has been at least 24 hours since the last episode before returning to school. If your child has an excessively runny nose or cannot stop coughing, it may be a good idea to keep them home. This is to protect your child from catching something if their immune system is down, as well as to protect the other students and staff. Thank you for doing your part to keep everyone at Lincoln School healthy.

Attendance Reporting

When reporting your child’s absence please be sure to either use the district attendance e-mail or telephone extension:
1) Lincoln School Attendance Line: 708.366.7340
2) Email 24-7 to lincolnattendance@district90.org