Lincoln Families,
Hopefully you enjoyed the weekend and the more seasonal temperatures after last week’s arctic blast!
Many thanks to everyone who braved the frigid blast and took the time to attend our annual Veterans Day tribute. This year’s event was our largest and most well-attended event to date. It is always a moving experience to watch our kids pay tribute to those who’ve served our country so bravely. This year, Major John Kramer (Grandfather of Stella Kramer- 4th Grade) spoke to our kids. Additionally, there were musical performances and personal biographies shared by our 4th grade students. We are already looking forward to Veterans Day 2020!
Effective December 1, elementary families in D90 will have the ability to begin keeping track of their child’s attendance via PowerSchool. Attached are the instructions for accessing and logging into PowerSchool to monitor this data. (Link to instructions)
Finally as you begin to plan for the Thanksgiving holiday, please don’t forget there will be no school on Wednesday, November 27- Friday, November 29.
As always, thanks for your continued support of Lincoln. Please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything more I can do to support your family. Have a great week. CG
Baby Gerges:
Dear Lincoln Families,
It is with an abundance of joy that my husband Mike and I announce the birth of our son, Zachary Michael Gerges. As you might know, Zac came a little early, and we’ve been loving every second with him. Zac was born on Friday, November 8th, at 12:28 am, weighing 7 pounds and 5 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches.
I’ll be on Maternity Leave through February and will be eager to see your precious children and reconnect with you all.
Wishing you the best,
The Other CG
Waste Free Wednesday Leaders:
1st/2nd: Ms. Donnelly
3rd/4th: Ms. McCole and Ms. Bajo
Friday Spirit Winner: Ms. Berg 1st Grade
Monday, November 18:
Tuesday, November 19:
Wednesday, November 20:
Thursday, November 21:
Friday, November 22:
Please come for a night out to discuss the topic: “Navigating the Challenging Aspects of Screen Time for our Kids”
When: Thursday, November 21st, 7:00pm
Where: Flourish, 193 N. Marion St., Oak Park
Geppetto’s Discount Cards are now available through Nov. 18th on the Lincoln webstore! These cards pay for themselves and encourage “shopping local” during the busy holiday season. Your $10 card purchase goes directly to the Lincoln PTO and you get 20% off at Geppetto’s Toy Box between November 26 and December 2nd (the card can be used multiple times within that week). Cards can be purchased online in the Lincoln webstore and will be mailed to you via USPS.
Walking Club did not meet last week due to cold temperatures, but this week’s forecast is looking good so far! See you on the Franklin field as we collectively try to walk to Indianapolis before Thanksgiving. We are almost there… join us!
Whether you are a runner or just love working to inspire young girls, please consider becoming a Girls on the Run leader next spring. Practice is twice a week, leadership can be shared, and the culmination in an inspiring 5K run is well worth it! For more information, please contact Julie Fleisch (
Please see attached for more information about One Earth Film Festival’s filmmaking workshop for grades 3 to 5, to be held at the Depot in River Forest in December.