10/3 Lincoln PTO Newsletter

October is a very busy month for the PTO–check out all our special events.  Please see the important reminders about “no school” at the end!
FUN LUNCH for Friday, October 4th is Chicken Tenders from FatDuck Grill, 7218 Madison Street in Forest Park.  Thank you, FatDuck and Fun Lunch Volunteers!



TONIGHT!–Thursday, October 3rd from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Gym.  Enter on the Franklin side and join us for tempting raffles, art projects, games, yoga, and more–uber fun for the whole family!


ART APPRECIATION:  Did you miss this morning’s informational meeting about being an Art Appreciation volunteer?  It’s a fun way to meet more parents and see your child’s classroom in action.  Commitment is only a few times throughout the year, and art lesson plans and materials are provided!   Please contact Jean Bacom at 708-488-0933 or email lunamama6 AT gmail.com.


THEATER CLUB is meeting this afternoon in the auditorium 3:15 – 4:15pm.


INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK is next week!  October 7-11th.  No time to walk the whole way?  Park and walk the last few blocks! It’s fun, it’s healthy, and it helps the Earth.


Our next PTO MEETING is on Monday, Oct. 7th at 7:00 pm at Lincoln School.  All are welcome!


School Picture Day

SCHOOL PICTURE DAY is next Tuesday, October 8th.  Don’t forget to turn in your order forms!



Last Monday morning Imagination Theater visited Lincoln to present an assembly called “Ease the Tease 2.0: A Bully Prevention Program”.   A 60-minute program was performed separately for the Kindergarten – 2nd graders and 3rd-4th graders.  Actors found themselves in a series of teasing situations and volunteers were invited on stage to steer the scene to a positive conclusion.  Students practiced responding to, and coping with, teasing.  When students can alleviate the pain of a tease, they discover the power to stop the teasing!  Some suggestions offered during the assembly were:

  1.  Perform “self-talk”: Say to yourself “I know I am being teased but I’m not going to let them see I am upset; and I’m smart, I can handle this”.
  2. In response to teasing just say “So?”
  3. Take it as a complement (i.e. If someone says “Your shoes are so different, nobody has those!” respond “Thanks, I have great style!”) Know that it’s okay to like what you like–that’s who you are!
  4. “I” messages:  talk about how you feel, for example, “I feel sad when you tease me,” “I wish that you would stop laughing.”
  5. Ignore the teaser.
  6. Step in and be a buddy if someone you know is being teased.
  7. Try all of these, but if they do not work, report to an adult.

A lot of fun was had by all!  Ask your child about the assembly and what they found valuable!  This event was sponsored by the Lincoln PTO.



 WASTE-FREE WEDNESDAYS–the lunch challenge continues through April 2014!  The Green4Good Committee will give out hand stamps to all kids who bring a waste-free lunch. This will be an on-going event each Wednesday up until our BIG Waste-Free Lunch Challenge during Earth Week. For tips on packing a waste-free lunch go to the District 90 website and click on the “Zero-Waste Lunch Tips” flyer.

Would you like an opportunity to volunteer for one hour and see your child during a regular school day?  We need parent volunteers to come in on Wednesdays during the lunch hour (11:25-12:25) to give hand stamps to students who have packed a lunch that creates no trash.

Don’t know much about packing a zero-waste lunch?  Don’t worry.  We’ll give you a brief training so you’ll be an expert! Please Click here to sign up. Lincoln School and the Earth appreciate it!  Thank you.

Math Night 2

FAMILY MATH NIGHT is Thursday,  October 17th  at 6:30pm.

Join your friends in the gymnasium for the Lincoln PTO’s popular Family Math Night. Get ready for a fun night with hands-on math, games, and fun ideas to take away and use at home.  Admission is free.   Volunteers are still needed…can you help set up, run games or clean up?  Sign up here.   Thank you!



Maple Syrup on Pancakes

  Please join us for a Lincoln PTO fundraising tradition, our Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,  October 26th, 8:00 to 11:00am.  Advance Tickets are just $3.50 per person and include pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice and coffee.  Buying tickets in advance helps us order the right amount of food, and it saves you money–tickets at the door are $4.00.  Click here to order tickets.  Thank you!


Sign Up Now!

The PTO runs on volunteers—can you help?
We need volunteers for Waste-Free Wednesdays, Family Math Night, and the Pancake Breakfast.  Find the event right for you on Sign Up Genius.   Thank you!


MARK YOUR CALENDARS:  upcoming days off and early dismissals!

Friday,  10/11      No School—Staff Development

Monday,  10/14       No School—Columbus Day

Thursday,  10/31     Costume Parade  & 11:25am  Dismissal


Green4Good  wants you to know about the 2014 Young Filmmakers Contest.  It is open to students from 3rd grade through college. Students are invited to make a solution based, 3-8 minute film or short 45 second animation to address issues surrounding climate change and sustainability.  For more information: http://greencommunityconnections.org/contest-details/   Deadline for submissions is January 12th, 2014. 



Please submit requests to “lincolnPTOcommunications AT gmail.com” by midnight on Tuesday for the weekly Thursday newsletter.