10/25 Lincoln Log

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Lincoln Families, 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. They’re finally here, the days we’ve been patiently waiting for! 

Congratulations to our Kindergarten kids, Ms. Suzuki, Ms. Stasys and Ms. Bailitz for such an amazing first three days of “in person” learning last week. This week we are excited to welcome back all of our 1st-4th grade Eagles:

  • Monday, October 26 – 1st and 2nd grade
  • Thursday, October 29 – 3rd and 4th grade

It’s going to be such an exciting yet chilly week as we welcome back our 1st-4th grade kids. It’s been way too long since our halls were filled with their energy and we couldn’t be more excited to see them!

Attached again you will find  Lincoln’s Guide to Blended Learning as well as Mr Godfrey’s Welcome Back to Lincoln Video Message #2  shared last week. Please be sure to review this document and video, most notably the sections covering self-certification and arrival/dismissal procedures. Please see the attached link for instructions on how to self-certify your child/children.  Additionally, please note that due to the shift to “blended learning,” individual classroom schedules have been modified. Please make special note of this, especially if your family is continuing remotely. 

Please pass along my regrets to your kids who logged into Principal Birthday Lunch last week. Due to some things that popped up during my day, I was unable to be there. We will have a make-up October Principal Birthday Lunch this Wednesday – look for the link on Seesaw on Wednesday. 

Thanks so much to everyone for the amazing messages celebrating Principal Appreciation Day. It was nice to read all the heartfelt messages from your kids! However, the greatest gift of all will be seeing their faces back at Lincoln this week.

The annual Fall Parties and Character Parade are a seasonal favorite for Lincoln staff, kids, and families. However, this year we will be taking a hiatus from these annual traditions. On Friday, October 30, classroom teachers will embed some fun themed activities into your child’s learning day. However, please note that to honor the safety of all, there will be no costumes or Fall Parties at Lincoln this season. 

I’m looking forward to the coming week. However, as we prepare ourselves and our kids for the transition to the “new normal,” please do so with patience, grace and understanding. While countless hours of thought and preparation have gone into welcoming our kids back to school, there will likely need to be adjustments and accommodations made. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our teachers and our Fine Fine School! 

Please never hesitate to reach out if there is anything more I can do to support your family. Have a great week. CG

Library Books: Please be sure to bring back any library books to school that you might have at home. 

Gym Shoes: We will do our best to get outside on days when weather permits. So please be sure to bring a pair of gym shoes! 


Monday, 10/26:

  • 1st and 2nd Grade – first day of blended learning

Wednesday, 10/28:

  • October Principal Birthday Lunch

Thursday, 10/29:

  • 3rd and 4th Grade – first day of blended learning

Friday, 10/30:

  • Remote supply pickup

Social Emotional Learning resources

Kindergarten Girl Scout troop

Attention Lincoln Kindergarten moms and dads. Are you excited to help start a kindergarten Daisy Girl Scout troop at Lincoln? Let’s form a team of parents to start a troop. Parent roles to fill include co-leaders and cookie manager so if interested please contact Diana Jacquez at dloshen@gmail.com

Green4Good at Home: Pumpkin Smash 2020!

Help keep pumpkins out of the landfill by participating in the Annual River Forest Pumpkin Smash, Saturday, November 7, 9am-noon at Roosevelt Middle School on the Jackson side. Last year, we composted 512 pumpkins (4,860 pounds). Let’s smash that record in 2020! Please encourage friends, family, and neighbors to compost instead of trashing, and kindly wear your mask and observe social distancing when dropping off your pumpkins.

The Pumpkin Smash is hosted by the D90 Green4Good team with support from Roy Strom Company. Curious to know more about the impact of composting 4,860 pounds of pumpkins? Click here!

Last year’s 2019-2020 yearbook for sale!

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We have some of last year’s 2019-2020 yearbooks left, they are for sale in the webstore. The books are available on a first come first serve basis for $30/each. Purchase your 2019-2020 yearbook in the webstore.

If you have any questions please contact lincolnyearbookpto@gmail.com

Technology support

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Thank you for emailing  powerschool@district90.org or helpdesk@district90.org with your technology questions/issues.  Please remember to include as much information as possible, e.g., Student Name, Teacher Name, School, iPad asset tag number, etc. Screenshots, links, websites and any other information regarding the issue is helpful. For example, my iPad/computer can’t connect to this website _________________ when I click on this link __________________. 

Additionally, if you have difficulty logging into your child’s special area classes, please be sure to reach out to that particular teacher to assist with any login issues.